Monday, 6 October 2014

Bush Builders Action Day

On the Tuesday of Week 10, we had our 'Action Day' as a finale to our Bush Builders unit.  The children were all in groups and had designed a bird feeder to go behind Rooms 7 & 8.  We hope to encourage more native birds into our school.  It was great to have Kim from the Wellington Zoo come and visit us again and to see what we have been doing.  Here are shots of the action and some of the finished products.


  1. I really enjoyed building and observing the the bush and things! It was fantastic!

  2. It was a hard days work Elanor

  3. Wow Room 8, you really worked hard - good job!!

  4. Nice building room7&8 it looks like you are having fun. From Dylan Vautier

  5. Nice building room 7&8, you did a great job on everything.Arama
